PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 25
5 Calibration
This chapter contains information to calibrate the A/D and D/A sub-systems of
the PCI30FG. The PCI30FG is calibrated during the manufacturing test and
therefore does not require recalibration under normal conditions. However
under extreme conditions or to optimize accuracy, the board needs to be
Allow the host PC and the board to warm up
for at least one hour before calibration.
1. Precision voltage source. Range +10V to –10V, with an absolute accuracy
better than 0.005%, resolution 100nV or better.
2. Precision digital multimeter with ±10V range, absolute accuracy better than
0.0005%, resolution 100nV or better.
3. Calibration software. This is supplied with the software package.
4. Calibration is only done on channel 1.
5. Use the recommended connector wiring as in figure 7.1.
6. Calibration is performed with the board jumpered into its intended
operating mode.
7. Use screened cable and make them as short as possible to reduce noise
and loss.
A special software program is required to calibrate the PCI30FG. This
software program comes with the PCI30FG and can be found on the EDR
Enhanced Software CD. The software is located in the utils/pci30fg directory.