
Adjusting sensitivity in Manual Sensitivity Mode is similar to driving a
car without cruise control — you have complete manual control of the
car's speed. In the sonar unit, manual mode allows you to set sensitiv-
ity at 100 percent (maximum) or zero percent (minimum.) Depending
on water conditions, the bottom signal may completely disappear from
the screen when you reduce sensitivity to about 50 percent or less!
These figures show results of different sensitivity levels on the same
location. Fig. 1: Sensitivity at 88 percent, determined by Auto Sensitiv-
ity. Typical of full auto mode. Fig. 2: Sensitivity set at 75 percent. Fig.
3: Sensitivity set at 50 percent. Fig. 4: Sensitivity set at 100 percent.
Try adjusting sensitivity in both auto and manual modes to see how
they work.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 1
Fig. 2