0.5 A brief dialog about remote controlling a VPxx
series video processor
Please be honest with yourself and ensure that you have understood the previous
sections. If you’re not confident about how binary = HEX = decimal and relates to
ASCII, then you may want to check out the internet for more information on digital
information technology – or contact our Technical Support Hotline at (U.S. Domestic) 1-
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• The first thing this writer suggests when learning the following automation protocol –
is to realize that this is a machine talking to another machine – not a human talking to
another human. The automation protocol is written for maximum efficiency, clarity,
and robustness of communication between two machines - all while allowing for
future expansion without requiring us to re-write the protocol every time new
features/products come out (thus commands that work in the new version of software
should work in just about every other previous version/product – which has the exact
same functional control).
• The second thing this writer suggests is learning and understanding the HEX notation
– and how to convert decimal numbers and basic ASCII characters (0-9 and A-Z
capitals) into HEX notation. The serial interface works in bytes, and understands
numbers – so the closer you can get to understanding this type of communication –
the easier this will be for you.