conditions, using the “5” range will improve perfor-
mance and extend transaxle life by reducing excessive
shifting and heat build-up.
OVERDRIVE— 4 Speed Transaxle
This range should be used for most city and highway
driving, it provides the smoothest upshifts, downshifts,
and best fuel economy. However, select the “3” DRIVE
range when frequent transaxle shifting occurs while
using the OVERDRIVE range, such as when operating
the vehicle under heavy loading conditions, (i.e. in hilly
terrain, traveling into strong head winds or while towing
heavy trailers). Under these conditions, using the “3”
DRIVE range will improve performance and extend
transaxle life by reducing excessive shifting and heat
DRIVE — 4 Speed Transaxle
This range eliminates shifts into OVERDRIVE. The trans-
axle will operate normally in First, Second, and Third
while in this range. The “3” DRIVE range should also be
used when descending steep grades to prevent brake
system distress.
NOTE: Using the “3” DRIVE range while operating the
vehicle under heavy operating conditions will improve
performance and extend transaxle life by reducing exces-
sive shifting and heat build up.
LOW — 4 Speed Transaxle
This range should be used for engine braking when
descending very steep grades. In this range, upshifts will
occur only to prevent engine overspeed while downshifts
occur earlier than other gear range selections.