system will hang on boot due to changes in the boot order, or the boot manager (LILO,
GRUB). This case was reported for some Windows versions (2000, XP), other OS might not
be fully excluded. This behavior depends on the BIOS version used in that machine.
To set this option, press the button “Apply”.
6.3 User
6.3.1 Change Password
Figure 6-12. Set password
To change your password, enter the new password in the upper entry field. Retype the
password in the filed below. Click “Apply” to submit your changes.
6.3.2 Users
Figure 6-13. Set User
The DKVM-IP1 switch comes with 2 pre-configured user accounts that have fixed
permissions. The account super has all possible rights to configure the device and to use all
functions DKVM-IP1 switch offers. The account “user” has only the permission to open and
use the Remote Console. Even his user name and password can only be changed by the
super account.
Upon delivery, both accounts have the password pass. Make sure to change these
passwords immediately after you have installed and firstly accessed your DKVM-IP1 switch.