Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 67
March 2012
Section 5 - Conguring Access Point Services
Figure 34 - SNMP Conguration
Field Description
SNMP Enabled/
You can specify the SNMP administrative mode on your network. By default SNMP is
enabled. To enable SNMP, click Enabled. To disable SNMP, click Disabled. After changing
the mode, you must click Apply to save your conguration changes.
Note: If SNMP is disabled, all remaining elds on the SNMP page are disabled. This is a
global SNMP parameter which applies to SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
community name
(for permitted SNMP
get operations)
Enter a read-only community name. The valid range is 1-256 characters.
The community name, as dened in SNMPv2c, acts as a simple authentication mechanism
to restrict the machines on the network that can request data to the SNMP agent. The name
functions as a password, and the request is assumed to be authentic if the sender knows
the password.
The community name can be in any alphanumeric format.
Port number the
SNMP agent will
listen to
By default an SNMP agent only listens to requests from port 161. However, you can
congure this so the agent listens to requests on another port.
Enter the port number on which you want the SNMP agents to listen to requests. The valid
range is 1-65535.
Note: This is a global SNMP parameter that applies to SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
Allow SNMP set
You can choose whether or not to allow SNMP set requests on the AP. Enabling SNMP
set requests means that machines on the network can execute conguration changes via
the SNMP agent on the AP to the D-Link System MIB. To enable SNMP set requests, click
Enabled. To disable SNMP set requests, click Disabled.
community name
(for permitted SNMP
set operations)
If you have enabled SNMP set requests you can set a read-write community name. The
valid range is 1-256 characters.
Setting a community name is similar to setting a password. Only requests from the
machines that identify themselves with this community name will be accepted.
The community name can be in any alphanumeric format.
Restrict the source
of SNMP requests to
only the designated
hosts or subnets
You can restrict the source of permitted SNMP requests.
To restrict the source of permitted SNMP requests, click Enabled.
To permit any source submitting an SNMP request, click Disabled.