Home Gateway: A term commonly interchanged with router.
IP Address (Internet Protocol Address): An IP Address is a number that
identifies a computer connected to the Internet. Every computer that
is connected to the Internet must have a unique IP Address. An IP
Address consists of four sections separated by periods. Each section
contains an 8-bit value represented as a number ranging from 0 to
Public IP Address: An IP Address that is not behind a NAT. This IP
Address is visible from the Internet.
Private IP Address: An IP Address that is behind a NAT, which is not
visible to the Internet. The preferred ranges for private IP Address are
either 192.168.x.x or 10.0.0.x.
Dynamic IP Address: An IP Address for a particular network device
(PC, VideoPhone, router) that is dynamically assigned by a router or
ISP and will not remain the same from session to session. See
Static IP Address: An IP Address for a particular network device (PC,
VideoPhone, router) that doesn’t change. See DHCP.
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A commercial organization that provides
subscribers with access to the Internet.
LAN (Local Area Network): A network that is designed to span small
distances. These are most commonly used in small buildings,
businesses and homes with multiple PCs. See WAN.
NAT (Network Address Translation): A technology that allows multiple
network devices to share the same IP Address. NAT devices forward
all incoming and outgoing information to the correct network devices.
Most NAT devices have firewall capabilities.
QCIF (Quarter Common Intermediate Format): An intermediate video
format. QCIF resolution is 176x144. The DVC-1000 VideoPhone will
send QCIF-sized video only if the remote endpoint cannot decode
Glossary of Terms (continued)