6 Command Line Interface D-Link Web Smart Switch User Manual
file is not at the root dire
ctory of the TFTP server.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To download a firmware file:
DGS-1210-52> download firmware_fromTFTP 1\dgs_1210-10032.ros
01–Jan–2000 01:19:48 %COPY–I–FILECPY: Files Copy – source URL tftp:// /1\
dgs_1210—10032.ros destination URL Unit all flash://image
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01–Jan–2000 01:22:49 %COPY–W–TRAP:
The copy operation was completed successfully
3920460 bytes copied in 00:03:01 [hh:mm:ss]
Note: Switch will reboot after restore and
all current configurations will be lost.
Purpose To upload the firmware file or a Switch configuration file to a
TFTP server.
upload { firmware_toTFTP tftp://ip-address/filename |
cfg_toTFTP tftp://ip-address/filename }
Description The upload command uploads the Switch’s current settings to a
TFTP server.
Parameters firmware_toTFTP − Upload the firmware on the Switch from a
TFTP server.
cfg_toTFTP − Specifies that the Switch’s current settings will be
uploaded to the TFTP server.
tftp://ip-address/ − The IP address of the TFTP server.
filename − The filename of the firmware or switch configuration