5D-Link DCS-7413 User Manual
Section 1: Product Overview
Congratulations on your purchase of the DCS-7413 Full HD Day & Night Outdoor Network Camera. The DCS-7413 is a professional
surveillance and security solution for small, medium, and large enterprises alike. The DCS-7413 uses a 2 megapixel progressive
scan CMOS sensor; the professional sensor results in low noise and high sensitivity capabilities ideal for surveillance applications.
The DCS-7413 is a complete system built with an ARM SoC CPU that incorporates a web server, allowing it to transmit excellent
real-time Full HD resolution video quality for security and outdoor surveillance.
The DCS-7413 can be accessed remotely, controlled and congured from any PC/Notebook over your local network or through
the Internet via a web browser. The simple installation and intuitive web-based interface oer easy conguration across the
full range of its advanced feature set, including granular control over multiple video streams with dierent congurations and
multicast video/audio streams which helps you manage your network load.
The DCS-7413 has an IP66 certied weatherproof housing designed for both indoor and outdoor applications. The built-in
removable IR-cut lter and IR LEDs give the DCS-7413 the capability to view up to 30M at night. The DCS-7413 also incorporates
Power over Ethernet (PoE), allowing it to be easily installed in a variety of locations without the need for supplemental power
cabling. The combination of IP66 housing, IR-Cut Filter, IR LEDs and PoE make the DCS-7413 an ideal solution for a dependable
and cost-eective 24 hour surveillance solution with an easy clutter-free installation.
• ComputerwithMicrosoftWindows®7,Vista®,orXP(forCD-ROMSetupWizard),MacOSorLinux
• PCwith1.3GHzorabove;atleast128MBRAM
• InternetExplorer7orabove,Firefox3.5orabove,Safari4andChrome8.0orabove
• Existing10/100Ethernet-basednetwork
• AnSDmemorycard(optional)isrequiredforrecordingtoonboardstorage.SDHCClass6oraboveisrecommended.
• BroadbandInternetconnection
System Requirements