
61D-Link DAP-2690 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Static Pool Setting
Function Enable/
Host Name:
Assigned IP:
Assigned MAC
Subnet Mask:
Domain Name:
Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) assigns IP
addresses to wireless devices on the network. This protocol
simplies network management and allows new wireless
devices to receive IP addresses automatically without the
need to manually assign IP addresses. Select Enable to allow
the DAP-2690 to function as a DHCP server.
Enter the name of the host computer in this text box.
Use the Static Pool Settings to assign the same IP address to
a device every time you start up. The IP addresses assigned in
the Static Pool list must NOT be in the same IP range as the
Dynamic Pool. After you have assigned a static IP address to a
device via its MAC address, click Save; the device will appear
in the Assigned Static Pool at the bottom of the window. You
can edit or delete the device in this list.
Enter the MAC address of the device requesting association
Dene the subnet mask of the IP address specied in the “IP Assigned From” eld.
Specify the Gateway address for the wireless network.
Specify the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server address for the wireless network. WINS is a system that determines the IP
address of a network computer with a dynamically assigned IP address, if applicable.
Enter the Domain Name System (DNS) server address for the wireless network. The DNS server translates domain names such as www.
dlink.com into IP addresses.
Specify the domain name for the network.
The DHCP address pool denes the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to stations on the network. A static pool allows specic wireless
stations to receive a xed IP without time control. Once a user is nished, click the Save button to let the changes take eect.