2014 DJI. All Rights Reserved.
Icons Description
Camera Tap to enter camera preview
Album Tap to enter album
News Tap to enter DJI news
Settings Tap to enter App settings
When using the camera and the SD card album (Page 36), connect your
mobile device to the Phantom 2 Vision+ Wi-Fi network.
Internet access is required for sharing photos, videos and reading DJI news.
If you receive a phone call during a ight, the live camera preview screen may
be interrupted. It's recommended to ignore the call and pay attention to your
6.3 Conditions of Flight Limits
In different working modes and ight modes, ight limits will differ according to number of GPS satellites found. The
following table demonstrates all the cases(√: available; ×:unavailable).
All flights are restricted by height, distance and special areas simultaneously. The Failsafe and Ground Station
operations are not restricted to ight limits, but if Ground Station function is used, the ight will be restricted the special
area limits built in to Ground Station. Refer to the Ground Station manual for details.
Phantom mode
Flight Status Limits of Special Area Max Height Max Radius
Ready to Fly √ √ √
Ready to Fly (non-GPS) × √ ×
Naza-M mode
Control Mode number of GPS found Limits of Special Area Max Height Max Radius
≥6 √ √ √
<6 × √ ×
≥6 √ √ ×
<6 × √ ×
≥6 × × ×
<6 × × ×
6.4 Disclaimer
Please ensure that you are up to date with international and domestic airspace rules and regulations before using
this product. By using this product, you hereby agree to this disclaimer and signify that you have read this fully. You
agree that you are responsible for your own conduct and content while using this product, and for any direct or indirect
consequences caused by not following this manual, violating or disregarding other applicable local laws, administrative
rules and social habits thereof.
The DJI VISION App controls the Phantom 2 Vision+ camera including capture, recording, settings and pitch angle. It
also displays essential ight information including ight parameters and battery level.
1 DJI VISION App Main Menu
After logging in you will see the VISION App home screen. This shows current Wi-Fi connection status and the four main
features of the App.
Figure 60
DJI VISION App Main Menu