PAGE 6-5
The TITLE GUIDE displays up to twelve program titles at any one time. This quantity is reduced to
nine if the program description option is enabled.
Let’s look at the elements that make up the TITLE GUIDE. The first column displays the program
titles in alphabetical order. If a program title cannot fit entirely, an ellipsis (“…”) is included to
indicate that title information is missing. The second column indicates the start time of the program. If
the program is going to be airing at several times within the next few hours, the word “Multiple” will
appear in this column. The third and final column indicates the channel that the program is or will be
airing on. If the program is going to be airing on several different channels, the word “Multiple” will
appear in this column.
Pressing on any title that has either multiple times or multiple channels will direct you to the
INFORMATION screen where you can select Show Times to determine which showings best suits
To move around the guide, use the or keys. You can continue to press the or keys to scroll
more program offerings onto the screen.
To speed up the process of reviewing the guide, you can use or to page through the guide
entries a full page at a time.
The LOGO GUIDE displays up to fifty-six network logos at a time. This number is reduced to forty-
two network logos if the program description option is enabled.
The TITLE GUIDE without descriptions The TITLE GUIDE with descriptions
The LOGO GUIDE without descriptions The LOGO GUIDE with descriptions