Using this Guide
This User’s Guide describes how to connect your new DIRECTV
Digital Satellite
Recorder to your television and other audio/video equipment. It also provides valuable
information about the features and use of the recorder.
Glossary of Icons. The inside front cover of this guide provides an introduction to the
remote control. The inside back cover has a “Glossary of Icons” that explains many of the
graphic symbols you will see when using your recorder.
Useful Terms. Many of the technical terms you may encounter in this guide are explained
in the “Useful Terms” section beginning on page 5.
Screen Paths. Notes at the bottom of some pages show you how to find the screen being
discussed on that page. For example, page 70 describes the “Record by Time or Channel”
feature. At the bottom of the page is the note “DIRECTV Central Pick Programs to
Record Record by Time/Channel” This note means you can find Record by Time/
Channel, the screen being discussed, by going to DIRECTV Central (press the DIRECTV
button on your remote control) and selecting Pick Programs to Record, then Record by
Digital Video Recording Service (DVR Service). The recording service provided through
Digital Satellite Recorder.
Digital Satellite Recorder. Refers collectively to the satellite antenna receiver and the
recorder hardware.
Throughout this guide, you will see
important and helpful notes and
tips in this format.