
© 2001 Directed Electronics, Inc.
Always insert the videocassette window-side up
with the arrow on the case pointing toward the
Use only videocassette tapes marked .
European-standard PAL VHS videocassette tapes
and S-VHS prerecorded videocassette tapes are
not compatible.
To prevent accidentally recording over previous-
ly recorded material, remove the Record Protect
Safety Tab on the videocassette case after
To record a tape that has the Record Protect
Safety Tab removed, place a piece of cellophane
tape over the space from which the tab was
NOTE: The recording time available on a videocassette
depends on Tape Speed (SP or SLP) and Cassette
Type (T60 = 60 minutes at SP or 180 minutes at SLP;
T120 = 120 minutes at SP or 360 minutes at SLP).
Tape SP (standard play) SLP (super longplay)
T-120 2 hrs 6 hrs
T-160 2 hrs, 40 minutes 8 hrs
T-180 3 hrs 9 hrs
Videocassette Tapes
In general, high-quality, brand name
videocassettes last longer and provide a
better picture.
Rewind your cassettes all the way so that
the tape is not at a midpoint; this can
extend the tape life.
Do not touch or splice the tape; this can
damage the tape and playing such a tape
can damage the VCR.
Do not take apart any cassette you plan to
use again.
Do not put any object inside a videocas-
sette and do not clean inside a
videocassette; this can permanently
damage the tape, making it unusable.
NOTE: Keep cassettes from direct sunlight, heat, or
extreme cold. Do not drop cassettes. Never touch
the recording surface of the tape.
Break off the plastic safety tab
to prevent accidentally record-
ing over important tapes.
Cover the record protect
space with cellophane
tape to make a new