
© 2002 directed electronics, inc.
step 8
Factory Alarm/Disarm
Since most newer vehicles come equipped with a factory alarm
system, it is necessary for the factory alarm to be disarmed while
remote starting the vehicle.
Locate the factory alarm disarm wire using the web vehicle infor-
mation. Once the suspect wire is located, place the multi-meter’s
red lead to a (+)12 volt constant source and secure it. Put the
multi-meter in the DC position then probe the suspect wire
with the black lead of your meter. While probing the wire, place
the key in the drivers door cylinder. Turn it to the unlock posi-
tion and hold it. The multi-meter should read between 10.00
volts and 13.00 volts and will disappear when the key is released.
When the correct wire has been found, solder the small
GREEN/BLACK wire to it and cover the connection with elec-
trical tape.
warning! Do not use a test light. Use of a
test light can cause grounding of sensitive
electrical components causing damage,
including damage to the power train con-
trol module.