
© 2004 directed electronics, inc.
ccooddee hhooppppiinngg
The receiver and 2-way remotes each use mathematical formulas called
algorithms to change their codes each time the 2-way remote is used.
This technology has been developed to increase the security of the unit.
The control unit knows what the next codes should be. This helps to
keep the 2-way remote "in sync" with the control unit even if you use
the 2-way remote out of range of the vehicle. However, if the 2-way
remote has been pressed many times out of range of the vehicle, or if
the battery has been removed, it may get out of sync with the control
unit and fail to operate the system. To re-sync the 2-way remote simply
press of the 2-way remote several times within range of the
vehicle. The alarm will automatically re-sync and respond to the 2-way
remotes normally.
hhiigghh ffrreeqquueennccyy
Your system transmits and receives at 434 MHz. This provides a cleaner
spectrum with less interference and a more stable signal. Enjoy a phe-
nomenal increase in range – even in areas with high radio interference.