
MIL-3000FTX Series of FastPort Print Servers B-2
Users should now be able to browse FastPort just as they would any
normal NetBIOS client. As an alternative:
1. Use the net use and/or net view command without having FastPort
in the same workgroup as the workstation.
2. Fill in the proper NetBIOS name of FastPort.
3. Type net? at the DOS prompt to get more info. on the utilities.
B.2 Troubleshooting DOS Tools
B.2.1 DOS Tools
If there are problems installing and using the NetBIOS management tools,
here are few suggestions:
When using showprn.exe, and FastPort does not appear; issue the
command with: -d0, -d1,-d2, -d3,-d4, -d5,-d6, or -d7 switch:
showprn.exe -d1
This causes showprn to use an alternate stack to send the packet. This
problem shows up sometimes in systems that have multiple NICs or
multiple protocols loaded. If a -d1 switch was used with the
showprn.exe tool, use it on the NBMON command line:
nbmon fpxxxxxx -d1
If the IPX is loaded and running on a system running Windows 95, the
check box for Send NetBIOS over IPX should not be checked.
Send NetBIOS over IPX is located in the Control
Panel--> Network--> IPX Compatible Protocol screen.
Open up the Control Panel-->Networks screen. Choose NetBEUI
protocol. Check the check-box marked Set this Protocol to be
the Default Protocol. In Windows 95, it is located in the
Advanced Options menu.
B.3 After Upgrade
An older FastPort that has recently been flash updated to version 6.1 may
be configured with the invalid workgroup WORKGROUPS. Reset the device
to factory defaults. This will give FastPort the valid default workgroup