
Network Configuration
Corinex AV200 Powerline Ethernet Wall Mount
With a Linux PC running kernel 2.4 or higher, open the console and execute the
command ./tcpwin.sh 512 logged in as root.
5.4 Using Powerline Filters
A PLC (Powerline) filter is a low-pass filter that will only allow the 50/60 Hz main
voltage through. This filter blocks the Powerline signal.
tcpwin.sh for use with Linux operating systems
After applying the script, please restart the system. This applies to both Windows
and Linux.
5.3 Checking Network Performance
On the Main page, under the heading Available PLC Connections, is a list of the
MAC addresses of all of the neighboring adapters that have a connection with that
adapter. The list also indicates the physical throughput (actual data rate), in terms
of both transmission and reception, that the adapter is achieving with each adapter
on the network.