Typical Compressed Air Distribution System
Daily Start-Up Checklist
Perform the following checks before starting the compres-
sor outfit.
1. Make sure that nothing is blocking the belt guard air open-
ings or air filter opening.
2. Pull the ring on all safety valves to make sure the valves move
freely and smoothly.
3. Check the oil level; add oil if necessary.
4. Clean or blow off fins or any part of compressor that collects
dust and dirt. Compressor will run cooler and provide longer
Start the compressor outfit and check the following:
1. With the outlet valve closed, start the compressor
outfit. Allow the outfit to pump up to cut-off
2. Make sure that all controls are operating correctly.
Refer to "Description of Operation" section of this
3. Check all line fittings and piping for air leaks. Even
minor leaks can cause the compressor to over
work, resulting in premature breakdown or
unsatisfactory performance.
4. Check for any unusual vibration and noise.
5. Check for oil leaks. Correct any leaks found.
Compressed air from the outfit may contain
water condensation and oil mist. Do not spray
unfiltered air at an item that could be damaged
by moisture or oil mist. Some air operated tools
or devices may require filtered air. Read in-
structions for the air tool or device.
6. Open shut-off valve. Your outfit is ready for use.
When You Are Finished:
7. Set the pressure switch lever to "OFF".
8. Close the shut-off valve.
9. Remove the air tool or accessory.
10. Open the shut-off valve and allow the air to slowly bleed from
the tank. Close shut-off valve when tank pressure is approxi-
mately 20 PSI.
Normal Operation
1. Before attaching an air hose or accessory, make sure the
pressure switch lever is in the "OFF" position. Close the
shut-off valve by turning the knob clockwise, or close air
regulator outlet by turning it counterclockwise.
2. Attach hose and accessory.