System Setup Program A-11
Plug and Play Configuration Submenu
Figure A-7. Plug and Play Configuration Submenu
Table A-7. Plug and Play Configuration Submenu Categories
Category Function
Configuration Mode Configuration Mode determines whether the sys-
tem configures Plug-and-Play devices through
the system BIOS or through the operating system.
Options are Use BIOS Setup and Use PnP OS.
NOTE: The Configuration Mode setting deter-
mines what other categories are displayed on
the Plug and Play Configuration submenu. If
Configuration Mode is set to Use BIOS Setup,
the ISA Shared Memory Size and IRQ catego-
ries are available. If Use PnP OS is selected,
the PnP OS category appears.
ISA Shared Memory Size ISA Shared Memory Size specifies the size of
the shared memory range for ISA expansion
cards. Options are Disabled, 16KB, 32KB,
48KB, 64KB, 80KB, and 96KB.
IRQ The IRQ categories enable you to reserve
unused IRQs for use by an ISA device.
PnP OS PnP OS determines which Plug-and-Play–
compatible operating system the computer
system is configured to use. Options are
Windows 95 and Other PnP OS.