Editing boot settings screen
You can use the Boot Settings screen to set the Boot mode to either BIOS or UEFI. It also allows you to
specify the boot order.
1. Go to System Setup Main Menu, and then click System BIOS.
2. On System BIOS, click Boot Settings.
The Boot Settings screen displays.
Boot Settings
The Boot Settings screen details are explained as follows:
Table 16. Boot settings
Menu Item Description
Boot Mode Enables you to set the boot mode of the system.
NOTE: This system supports only BIOS boot mode.
CAUTION: Switching the boot mode may prevent the system from
booting if the operating system is not installed in the same boot
NOTE: Setting this field to UEFI disables the BIOS Boot Settings
menu. Setting this field to BIOS disables the UEFI Boot Settings
If the operating system supports UEFI, you can set this option to UEFI.
Setting this field to BIOS allows compatibility with non-UEFI operating
systems. By default, the Boot Mode option is set to BIOS.
NOTE: This system supports only BIOS boot mode.
Boot Sequence Retry
Enables or disables the Boot Sequence Retry feature. If this field is
enabled and the system fails to boot, the system reattempts the boot
sequence after 30 seconds. By default, the Boot Sequence Retry option
is set to Enabled.
Hard-Disk Failover Specifies which devices in the Hard-Disk Drive Sequence are attempted
in the boot sequence. When the option is Disabled, only the first hard
disk device in the list is attempted to boot. When set to Enabled, all hard
disk devices are attempted in order, as listed in the Hard-Disk Drive
. This option is not enabled for UEFI Boot Mode.
Boot Option Settings Configures the boot sequence and the boot devices.
Editing network settings
You can use the Network Settings screen to modify Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) device
settings. Network Settings are only available in UEFI boot mode. BIOS does not control network settings
in the BIOS boot mode. For BIOS boot mode, the network settings are handled by the network
controllers option ROM.
1. Go to System Setup Main Menu, and then click System BIOS.
2. On System BIOS, click Network Settings.