158 | SRA 7.0 User Guide
Step 4 The SSH terminal launches in a new screen.
Using Web Bookmarks
Step 1 Click the HTTP or HTTPS bookmark.
Note HTTP bookmarks can have a port designation and a path.
Step 2 A new window is launched in your default browser that connects to the domain name or IP
address specified in the bookmark.
HTTP & HTTPS Bookmarks have been tested and verified to support the following web
• Microsoft Outlook Web Access 2010, Outlook Web Access 2007, and Outlook Web Access
• Windows Sharepoint 2007, Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 and Windows Sharepoint
Services 2.0.
• Please note the client integrated features of Sharepoint are not supported.
• Lotus Domino Web Access 7.0
• Novell Groupwise Web Access 7.0
Other applications may work but there may be problems accessing pages that are malformed,
have advanced HTML features, use an unsupported authentication method (for example,
Windows Integrated Authentication) and URLs that are embedded in Macromedia Flash, Java
or ActiveX. If a web application does not work with a HTTP or HTTPS Bookmark, contact your
Using File Share Bookmarks
For information on using File Share bookmarks, see the “Using HTML-Based File Shares”
section on page 136.