
PowerEdge R210 Technical Guide 27
5.3 Environmental Specifications
5.3.1 Temperature
Operating: 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F) with a maximum temperature gradation of 10°C
per hour (NOTE: For altitudes above 2950 feet, the maximum operating temperature is
de-rated 1ºF/550 ft.)
Storage: –40° to 65°C (–40° to 149°F) with a maximum temperature gradation of 20°C
per hour
5.3.2 Relative Humidity
Operating: 20% to 80% (non-condensing) with a maximum humidity gradation of 10%
per hour
Storage: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
5.3.3 Maximum Vibration
Operating : 0.26 Grms at 5–350 Hz for 15 min
Storage: 1.54 Grms at 10–250 Hz for 15 min
5.3.4 Maximum Shock
Operating: One shock pulse in the positive z axis (one pulse on each side of the system)
of 31 G for 2.6 ms in the operational orientation
Storage: Six consecutively executed shock pulses in the positive and negative x, y, and
z axes (one pulse on each side of the system) of 71 G for up to 2 ms
Six consecutively executed shock pulses in the positive and negative x, y, and z axes
(one pulse on each side of the system) of 32 G faired square wave pulse with velocity
change at 270 inches/second (686 centimeters/second)
5.3.5 Altitude
Operating: 16 to 3048 m (–50 to 10,000 ft) (Note: For altitudes above 2950 feet, the
maximum operating temperature is de-rated 1ºF/550 ft.)
Storage: 16 to 10,600 m (–50 to 35,000 ft)
5.3.6 Airborne Contaminant Level
Class: G2 or lower as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985