220 Glossary
Mini-Card — A small card designed for integrated peripherals, such as
communication NICs. The Mini-Card is functionally equivalent to a standard PCI
expansion card.
Mobile Broadband network — (also known as a WWAN) is a series of interconnected
computers that communicate with each other through wireless cellular technology
and provides Internet access in the same varied locations from which cellular
telephone service is available. Your computer can maintain the Mobile Broadband
network connection regardless of its physical location, as long as the computer remains
in the service area of your cellular service provider.
modem — A device that allows your computer to communicate with other computers
over analog telephone lines. Three types of modems include: external, PC Card, and
internal. You typically use your modem to connect to the Internet and exchange e-
module bay — See media bay.
MP — megapixel — A measure of image resolution used for digital cameras.
ms — millisecond — A measure of time that equals one thousandth of a second.
Access times of storage devices are often measured in ms.
network adapter — A chip that provides network capabilities. A computer may
include a network adapter on its system board, or it may contain a PC Card with an
adapter on it. A network adapter is also referred to as a NIC (network interface
NIC — See network adapter.
notification area — The section of the Windows taskbar that contains icons for
providing quick access to programs and computer functions, such as the clock, volume
control, and print status. Also referred to as system tray.
ns — nanosecond — A measure of time that equals one billionth of a second.
NVRAM — nonvolatile random access memory — A type of memory that stores data
when the computer is turned off or loses its external power source. NVRAM is used for
maintaining computer configuration information such as date, time, and other system
setup options that you can set.