
Care Delivery Solutions
e-Prescribing can be faster than writing a prescription on a pad if you use the shortcuts
built into the PocketScript system.
One shortcut is a Macro, a pre-written prescription that you create “on-the-fly” during the
normal prescribing process and then can re-use. PocketScript remembers every detail of the
script that you save in the Macro.
1. To create a Macro, first fill in the details of the script you wish to make into a Macro. Be sure
to include details like the Course of Treatment and Refills!
2. On the Script Summary screen, tap Macro.
3. Give your Macro a name – name it something that you will remember later. For example, if
you are prescribing Amoxicillin 250 mg, three times a day, you might want to call your
Macro “Amox 250 3x.”
You, your office staff, and patient all save time when you electronically transmit the
prescription to the pharmacy.
Your PocketScript system comes pre-loaded with most pharmacies in your area, but as new
pharmacies open, you’ll want to include them, too.
1. Launch the PocketScript Internet Browser version Maintenance pages by clicking the
Maintenance tab and then selecting Maintenance Pages from the menu.
2. Click Pharmacy Maintenance.
3. Click Search All Pharmacies, and then type in a portion of the pharmacy’s name.
Note that before you can add a pharmacy, you must first search for it in the database – this helps
prevent duplicate entries.
Speed patient selection by having office staff enter appointments for the following day
on the Internet browser version.
You can select the right patient more easily and quickly from a short list of those with
appointments on the current day. At the end of the day, your staff can enter appointments for the
following day. Adding appointments is easy:
1. Click the Maintenance tab, and then select Maintenance Pages.
2. Click Scheduling Maintenance.
3. Type the first few letters of the patient’s name last name or enter more details if desired and
click Search.