Advanced Menu
USB Emulation Allows you to enable or disable the USB emulation
feature. is option denes how the BIOS, in
the absence of a USB-aware operating system,
handles USB devices. USB emulation is always
enabled during POST (Power On Self Test).
Note: You cannot boot any type of USB device
(oppy, hard drive, or memory key) when this
option is o.
USB Powershare Allows you to enable or disable the USB
PowerShare feature. is feature is intended to
allow users to charge external devices using the
stored system battery power through the USB
PowerShare connector on the notebook, even
while the notebook is turned o.
USB Wake Support Allows you to enable USB devices to wake the
system from Standby or to disable the USB wake
support feature.
Adapter Warning Allows you to choose if the system should display
warning messages when you use certain power
adapters. e system displays these messages if
you attempt to use a power adapter that has too
little capacity for your conguration.
Over Clocking Displays the sub-menu with more information
and options. See the Over Clocking Sub-Menu
table for details.
Graphics Setting Displays the sub-menu with more information
and options. See the Graphics Settings
Sub-Menu table for details.
Over Clocking Sub-Menu
CPU Frequency Displays the frequency of the processor.
CPU Multiplier Displays the CPU multiplier. e CPU multiplier
multiplied by the front-side bus (FSB) clock speed
determines the core speed of the processor.
CPU core clock = FSB Frequency/4 x CPU
Unlocked CPU Displays if the processor is unlocked or not.
Memory Frequency Displays the frequency of the memory.
Memory Channel Mode Displays the memory channel modes.
Memory CAS Latency Displays the memory CAS latency.
Processer Multiplier
Allows you to set the internal frequency multiplier
of the CPU.
Select Clock Mode Allows you to choose the FSB-memory system
clock mode.
Memory Frequency Allows you to enter the memory frequency
(decimal editable).
FSB Frequency Allows you to enter the FSB frequency (decimal