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See Subminiature-D.
Digital audio tape. A type of magnetic tape originally designed for audio
format, now also used in computers to back up data. DAT cassettes are about
the physical size of audio cassettes and can store numerous GB of data.
Data Striping
The segmentation of logically sequential data, such as a single file, so that
segments can be written to multiple devices, usually hard drives, in a round-
robin manner. This method is useful if the microprocessor is capable of
transferring data faster than a single drive can supply or accept it. While data
is being transferred from the first drive, the second drive can locate the next
Decibel(s). A measurement of relative loudness of a sound or, in electronics,
for the relative difference between two power levels.
Direct current. An electric current flowing in one direction only. See AC.
Data communication equipment. In computer data transmission, DCE is the
RS-232 interface that a modem or other serial device uses to exchange data
with the computer. See also DTE.
Any piece of equipment that is not part of the essential computer (such as
the microprocessor, RAM, and data buses) but is connected to or installed in
the computer. Some devices are installed inside the main part of the
computer, such as the hard drive, CD drive, and network adapter. Other
devices are outside the computer, such as the printer, but are attached by a
cable or wireless connection.
Dual in-line memory module. A slim circuit board containing RAM chips, as
does a SIMM. DIMMs normally have 168 pins. See also RIMM.