Configuration: Using iSCSI 83
Initiator CHAP Secret
The initiator CHAP secret is set on the host using the iSCSI initiator
configuration program provided with the host operating system. If you are
using the mutual authentication method, you must define the initiator
CHAP secret when you set up the host. This must be the same CHAP secret
that is defined for the target when defining mutual authentication settings.
Target CHAP Secret
If you are using CHAP secrets, you must define the CHAP secret for the
Valid Characters for CHAP Secrets
The CHAP secret must be between 12 and 57 characters. The CHAP secret
supports characters with ASCII values of 32 to 126 decimal. See Table 7-1 for
a list of valid ASCII characters.
Table 7-1. Valid ASCII Characters for CHAP Secrets
Valid ASCII Characters for CHAP Secrets
Space ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * +
, -./01 23 4567
u vwxyz {| }~
book.book Page 83 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 2:14 PM