60 Replacing Intel NIC Configured for BFi
Enter the target’s name (IQN) and IP address.
Do not change the default port number of
Retain the LUN
number value as
, unless you need to change it.
and save the changes.
Repeat step a to step e to configure a secondary NIC if required.
NOTE: Ensure that the primary NIC and the secondary NIC are
configured on separate subnets.
Observe the Power-On Self-Test (POST) output to ensure that the iSCSI
LUN is detected. If the iSCSI LUN is not detected during POST, halt the
process and verify the configuration on the PowerVault NX1950
Integrated solution and the Intel iSCSI Boot Setup menu.
NOTE: Do not continue if the iSCSI LUN is not detected during POST.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you save the iSCSI boot configuration
to a file to enable faster recovery when you replace the NIC.
Backing Up iSCSI Boot Settings
After you replace the failed NIC and configure the boot settings, during
deployment of the host, it is recommended that you backup the boot
configuration to speed recovery in the event the replacement NIC fails.
Additionally, it is recommended that you create a new backup file each time
you make a change to the existing configuration.
For instructions on how to save the boot configuration to a backup file, see
"Saving iSCSI Boot Configuration Settings from NVRAM" on page 58
iSCSI Utility MS-DOS Commands
Table A-1 describes the different iSCSI Utility (iscsiutl.exe) MS-DOS
commands that you can use to save or restore your virtual disk boot settings
on your replacement NIC.