
1-8 Dell Inspiron 3000 Series Service Manual
Save-to-disk suspend mode — To activate this feature, press <Fn><a> (or
<Fn><q> on the French keyboard) or set the Suspend Time-Out option in
the Power Menu of the Setup program. To resume using the computer, press
the power button. The computer may take several seconds to return to nor-
mal operation. If you connect or remove devices while the computer is in
save-to-disk suspend mode, the computer automatically recognizes the
newly connected devices when it resumes normal operation. If you encoun-
ter problems with a PC Card after resuming from save-to-disk suspend
mode, remove and reinsert the PC Card. When the battery is nearly
depleted, the computer enters save-to-disk suspend mode to preserve system
nterrupt Assi
Table 1-1. Interrupt Assignments
IRQ Line Used/Available
IRQ0 Generated by the system timer
IRQ1 Generated by the keyboard controller to signal that the keyboard
output buffer is full
IRQ2 Cascade to second interrupt controller
IRQ3 Reserved
IRQ4 Reserved
IRQ5 Used by the audio controller
IRQ6 Generated by the diskette drive controller to indicate that the dis-
kette drive requires the attention of the microprocessor
IRQ7 Used by the parallel port
IRQ8 Generated by the system RTC
IRQ9 Software redirect to INT0A
IRQ10 Reserved
IRQ11 Reserved
IRQ12 Generated by the keyboard controller to indicate that the output
buffer of the integrated touch pad or external PS/2 mouse is full
IRQ13 Used by the math coprocessor on the microprocessor
IRQ14 Generated by the hard-disk drive to indicate that the drive
requires the attention of the microprocessor
IRQ15 Reserved