Using Your Dell DJ 36
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Play Mode Icons
Date and Time
You can change the date and time settings on the Dell DJ.
Yo u c a n se t :
• Date and time — view time, change the date and time, format, and
date separator
• Sleep timer — choose how much time passes before your Dell DJ shuts
itself off during playback of a song
• Calendar view — view the calendar
To view or set the time, date and day:
Press the Home button.
Date & Time
Set Date & Time
To set the time and date, scroll-select the item you want to change,
then rotate the scroll dial to change.
NOTE: The day is updated automatically when you adjust the date.
To save your setting or exit, scroll-select the check mark icon.
Icon Description
Repeat Track Play and repeat the selected track.
Repeat All Play and repeat all Selected Music tracks.
Shuffle Randomly play all Selected Music tracks once
without repeating.
Shuffle Repeat Randomly play all Selected Music tracks once, then
repeat in a different random sequence.
Track Once Play the selected track once.