Even though your computer system can recognize your new flat panel monitor on startup, the 'Auto Adjustment' function will optimize
the display settings for use with your particular setup.
NOTE: Inmostcases,'AutoAdjust'producesthebestimageforyourconfiguration;youcandirectlyaccessthisfunctionviaAuto
Adjustment hotkey.
The 'Phase' and 'Pixel Clock' adjustments allow you to more closely adjust your monitor to your preference. Select Image Settings in
Use the - and + buttons to adjust interference. Minimum: 0 ~ Maximum: 100
If satisfactory results are not obtained using the Phase adjustment, use the Pixel Clock adjustment and then use Phaseagain.
NOTE: Thisfunctionmaychangethewidthofthedisplayimage.Usethe'Horizontal'functionofthe'Position'menutocenterthe
display image on the screen.
'Color Settings' adjusts the color temperature and saturation.
'Normal Preset' is selected to obtain the default (factory) color settings.
'Blue Preset' is selected to obtain a bluish tint. This color setting is typically used for text based applications (Spreadsheets,
'Red Preset' is selected to obtain a redder tint. This color setting is typically used for color intensive applications (Photograph Image
Editing, Multimedia, Movies etc.).
'User Preset': Use the plus and minus buttons to increase or decrease each of the three colors (R, G, B) independently, in single digit
increments, from '0' to '100'.
NOTE: 'Color temperature' is a measure of the 'warmth' of the image colors (red/green/blue). The two available presets ('Blue' and
'Red') favor blue and red accordingly. Select each one to see how each range suits your eye; or utilize the 'User Preset' option to
customize the color settings to your exact choice.
Each time the OSD opens, it displays in the same location on the screen. 'OSD Settings' (horizontal/vertical) provides control over this
- and + buttons move OSD to the left and right.