Setting Up for Local Printing 27
Setting Up for Local Printing
A local printer is a printer attached to one computer using a USB or parallel cable. If your printer
is attached to a network instead of your computer, go to "Setting Up for Network Printing" on
page 37.
A printer driver is software that lets your computer communicate with your printer.
If you purchased your Dell printer and computer together, the printer drivers and utilities
described in the "Software Overview" on page 41 are automatically installed—you are ready to
If you purchased your Dell printer separately, use the Drivers and Utilities CD to install all the
features described in the "Software Overview" on page 41. Use the following table to find the
instructions you need for your operating system.
You need to complete Microsoft’s Plug and Play before installing the custom driver from your
printer drivers CD.
For Linux users, refer to the documentation included on the Drivers and Utilities CD for
installation instructions. To access the documentation, browse to the unix\docs folder on the
Computer operating system Go to...
Windows XP Professional x64 page 28
Windows XP page 29
Windows 2003 Server page 30
Windows 2000 page 31
Windows NT page 32
Windows Me page 32
Windows 98 SE page 33
Macintosh OS 9.2 and OS 10.2 page 34