128 | Using the System Setup Program
Sets to disable for energy efficiency.
Sets to Compute (Default) for computation-intensive
Sets to I/O for I/O-intensive applications.
This field enables (Default) the DCU IP Prefetcher.
This field disables the DCU IP Prefetcher.
The BIOS console redirection, if enabled, operates in
VT100 emulation model. See also tokens BFh, C0h, and
The BIOS console redirection, if enabled, operates in
ANSI emulation model. See also tokens BFh, C0h, and
Redirection After
The BIOS console redirection, if enabled, continues to
operate after the OS boot hand-off.
Redirection After
The BIOS console redirection, if enabled, operates
during the BIOS boot only and is disabled prior to OS
boot hand-off. See also tokens BFh, C0h, D7h, 401Ah
and 401Bh.
Whenever the BIOS boots the system, the first PXE-
capable device is inserted as the first device in the boot
sequence. Enabling this feature causes the BIOS operation
to occur on the next and all subsequent boots and causes a
change in the system's defined boot sequence. The BIOS
chooses the first PXE-capable device as the system's
onboard network controller, if present and enabled, or the
first bootable network device found in the system's
standard PCI search order.
whichever comes first.
Enable the manufacturing mode to bypass POST
tasks/memory tests and F1/F2 prompts on specific
error messages. Used by Manufacturing; not for general
customer use.