IPMI OEM Command List | 55
Command NetFN cmd Format
Restore to
OEM1 04H
Byte 1 -Configuration to be restored to
[7:5] 111b= Restore the remaining
parameters not included in below lists.
000b= Remaining parameters stay what it is.
All other values are reserved
[4] 1b= Restore PEFs to defaults
[3] 1b= Restore serial configuration
parameters to defaults
[2] 1b= Restore SOL configuration
parameters to defaults
[1] 1b= Restore LAN configuration
parameters to defaults
[0] 1b= Restore user accounts to defaults
Byte 1 –Completion Code
CCh = restore to one or more of the
configuration not supported.
Byte 2 – Task ID.
Use the Task ID to get the restore status. The
Task ID is automatically become invalid
after 120 seconds when the restore
requesting is completed. 00h reserved.