Va lue s :
Proxy Server Use Proxy Server Sets whether to enable the use of a proxy server.
Address to Bypass Proxy Sets the address to bypass proxy server.
Server Name Sets the name of the proxy server.
Port Number Sets the port number from 1 to 65535.
Authentication Sets whether to enable authentication.
Login Name Sets the login name for the proxy server.
Password Sets the login password for the proxy server.
Retype Password Confirms the set password.
Reset Print Server
To initialize NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) for the network feature and reboot the printer. You can also initialize
NVRAM of the printer from Reset Defaults in the Printer Settings menu.
Va lue s :
Initialize NIC NVRAM Memory Click Start to initialize NVRAM, revert network settings to the factory default settings, and
and restart printer. reboot the network capability.
Restart Printer Click Start to reboot the printer.
The Security tab includes Set Password, Authentication System, Kerberos Server, LDAP Server, LDAP
Authentication, SSL/TLS, IPsec, 802.1x, and IP Filter (IPv4).
Set Password
To set or change the password that is required to access the setup parameters of the printer from the Dell Printer
Configuration Web Tool. This page can also be displayed by clicking Set Password in the left frame.
NOTE: To restore the password to the default (NULL), initialize the non-volatile memory (NVM).
NOTE: You can set the password for access to Admin Settings from Panel Lock in Printer Settings.
Va lue s :
Administrator Password Sets the password using up to 128 alphanumeric characters (excluding spaces and
colons). If more than 128 alphanumeric characters are specified, only the first 128
alphanumeric characters will be valid.
Re-enter Administrator Password Confirms the set password.
Access denial by the authentication Sets the amount of time the administrator should wait for the access to the printer
failure of the Administrator setup from Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool. Sets the time period from 5 to 255
seconds. The access is denied if the time-out time is exceeded. If you set 0, this mode
is disabled.
Authentication System
To specify the server authentication type, the server response time-out, or the search time-out.
Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool 163