
Verifying a VLT Configuration
To monitor the operation or verify the configuration of a VLT domain, use any of the following show
commands on the primary and secondary VLT switches.
Display information on backup link operation.
EXEC mode
show vlt backup-link
Display general status information about VLT domains currently configured on the switch.
EXEC mode
show vlt brief
Display detailed information about the VLT-domain configuration, including local and peer port-
channel IDs, local VLT switch status, and number of active VLANs on each port channel.
EXEC mode
show vlt detail
Display the VLT peer status, role of the local VLT switch, VLT system MAC address and system priority,
and the MAC address and priority of the locally-attached VLT device.
EXEC mode
show vlt role
Display the current configuration of all VLT domains or a specified group on the switch.
EXEC mode
show running-config vlt
Display statistics on VLT operation.
EXEC mode
show vlt statistics
Display the RSTP configuration on a VLT peer switch, including the status of port channels used in the
VLT interconnect trunk and to connect to access devices.
EXEC mode
show spanning-tree rstp
Display the current status of a port or port-channel interface used in the VLT domain.
EXEC mode
show interfaces interface
interface: specify one of the following interface types:
* Fast Ethernet: enter fastethernet slot/port.
* 1-Gigabit Ethernet: enter gigabitethernet slot/port.
* 10-Gigabit Ethernet: enter tengigabitethernet slot/port.
* Port channel: enter port-channel {1-128}.
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)