
specific variables that are used in the section. The following example shows the typical content of these
four sections:
1. BIOS Setup Control Group — This section explains the purpose of the MIB group and summarizes
the major features of the component groups.
2. BIOS Group Tables — If there is more than one SNMP table for a group, this section lists all of the
tables. For this BIOS group example, there are eight tables listed. In each section, double-clicking
any table on the list takes you to that table.
BIOS Setup Control Table
SCSI Control Table
Parallel Port Control Table
Serial Port Control Table
USB Control Table
IDE Control Table
Diskette Control Table
Network Interface Control Table
3. Variables that make up each table in the group — This section documents the variables for the eight
tables that comprise the BIOS group.
4. BIOS Variable Values — This section explains any Server Administrator-specific variables and data
types that are used in this section. In the BIOS group example, there are 17 unique, Server
Administrator-specific variable meanings. Information on each Server Administrator-specific variable
is presented in a formatted table.
Other Documents You May Need
In addition to this guide, you can access the following guides available on the Dell Support website at
dell.com/support/manuals. On the Manuals page, click Software Systems Management. Click the
appropriate product link on the right-side to access the documents.
The Server Administrator Messages Reference Guide lists the messages that you can receive on your
systems management console or on your operating system’s event viewer. This guide explains the
text, severity, and cause of each message that the server administrator issues.
The Server Administrator CIM Reference Guide documents the Common Information Model (CIM)
provider, an extension of the standard management object format (MOF) file. The Server-
Administrator CIM provider documents supported classes of management objects.
The Glossary provides information on the terms used in this document.
Introduction to the Server Administrator SNMP Subagent
This guide provides formatted information drawn primarily from the MIB files written for the Server
Administrator services that support the SNMP protocol.
For each of the variables defined in the MIBs, the following fields are specified:
Variable name
OID or unique identifying number
Data type of the variable (for example: integer, string, octet string)
Whether the variable is accessible, not accessible, or read-only