Event Message Severity Cause
Device option ROM on
mezzanine card <number>
failed to support Link
Tuning or FlexAddress.
Critical This event is generated when the
PCI device option ROM for a NIC
does not support link tuning or
the Flex addressing feature.
Failed to program virtual
MAC address on a
component at bus <bus>
device <device> function
Critical This event is generated when
BIOS fails to program virtual MAC
address on the given NIC device.
Failed to get Link Tuning
or FlexAddress data from
Critical This event is generated when
BIOS could not obtain virtual
MAC address or Link Tuning data
from iDRAC.
An unknown system
hardware failure
Critical This event is generated when an
unknown hardware failure is
POST fatal error <error
Critical This event is generated when a
fatal error occurs during system
boot. For more information, see
POST Code Errors.
POST Code Table
The following table lists the POST Code errors that are generated when a fatal error occurs during system
Table 17. POST Code Table
Fatal Error Code Description Cause
80 No memory detected. This error code implies that no
memory is installed.
81 Memory detected but is not
This error code indicates
memory configuration error that
could be a result of bad memory,
mismatched memory or bad
82 Memory configured but not
This error code indicates
memory sub-system failure.
83 System BIOS shadow failure. This error code indicates system
BIOS shadow failure.
84 CMOS failure. This error code indicates that
CMOS RAM is not working.