Network Administration 4-25
You need the following items to complete the procedure:
A switch that supports manually configurable trunking configured according to
the manufacturers instructions for a multiple-mode trunk.
A name for the trunk that meets the following criteria:
It must begin with a letter.
It must not contain a space.
It must not already be in use for a virtual interface.
Trunk names are case-sensitive.
A list of the interfaces you want the trunk to consist of.
To create a trunk in which all interfaces are active at once, enter the following
command or put it in the in the
is the name of the trunk
is a list of the interfaces that make up the trunk).
The multiple-mode trunk shown in Single-Mode Trunks was created with the fol-
lowing command:
You use this procedure to create a second-level virtual interface on a single filer. You
follow this procedure when you have available two switches configured for multiple-
port connections and four or more interfaces. After you complete this procedure, all
interfaces are active at once until there is a switch failure, in which case connectivity
is maintained by the links to one switch even if the other switch fails.