PreImport Tasks
Before you import the Dell MD Storage Array management pack to OpsMgr:
1. Install the management pack suite.
2. Perform one of the following actions on the management server where you would like to manage
the Dell PowerVault MD Storage Array devices:
— Launch the Dell Discovery utility (DellDiscoveryUtility.exe) from the ABB toolset folder location
where you have installed the Dell MD Storage Array Management Pack Suite. To discover the Dell
PowerVault MD Storage Arrays in the network, and update the IP listing file
(Dell_MDStorageArray_ip.cfg) with the IP addresses of the storage arrays. Follow the input steps
mentioned in the wizard and complete the discovery process to generate the IP listing file.
— Manually update the Dell_MDStorageArray_ip.cfg file with the IP addresses of the storage arrays
in the network. Ensure that you update the IP addresses (IPv4 format or IPv6 format) in the
semicolon separated format, in a single line. For example —;;;; or 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:
— Use the Dell PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Manager IP list extraction utility to obtain the list of
MD Storage Array IP addresses configured in the Dell PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Manager. For
more information, see “Extracting MD Storage Array IP Addresses From Dell PowerVault Modular Disk
Storage Manager” section in the Dell MD Storage Array Management Pack Suite Version 6.0 for
Microsoft System Center Operations Manager User's Guide available at dell.com/support/home.
3. Import the management pack. For more information, see Importing the Management Pack.
Importing the Management Pack
To import the Dell PowerVault MD storage array management pack:
1. Launch the OpsMgr console.
2. Click Administration.
3. Expand the Administration tree, right-click Management Packs and click Import
Management Packs
4. Click Add and select Add from disk.
5. Type or navigate to the management pack location.
6. Select Dell.Storage.MDStorageArray.mp to monitor the Dell PowerVault MD Storage Arrays and click
The Import Management Packs screen is displayed with the selected management pack displayed in
the Import List.
7. Click Install to import the management pack.