1-10 Dell PowerEdge 2100/180 and 2100/200 Systems Service Manual
System Unit
The following subsections provide service-related information about the
System Power Supply
The 230-W system power supply can operate from an AC power source of
115 VAC at 60 Hz or 230 VAC at 50 Hz. The system power supply provides the
DC operating voltages and currents listed in Table 1-1.
NOTE: The power supply produces DC voltages only under its loaded condi-
tion. Therefore, when you measure these voltages, the DC power connectors
must be connected to their corresponding power input connectors on the system
board or drives.
Pin Assignments for the DC Power Connectors
The power-supply output voltages can be measured at the back (wire side) of
the connectors without disconnecting them. Figures 1-6, 1-7, and 1-8 show the
wire side of the connectors.
Table 1-1. DC Voltage Ranges
Voltage Range
Maximum Output
+3.3 VDC +3.15 to +3.45 VDC 14.0 A
+5 VDC +4.75 to +5.25 VDC 29.0 A
+12 VDC +11.40 to +12.60 VDC
6.0 A
–12 VDC –10.80 to –13.20 VDC 0.3 A
–5 VDC –4.50 to –5.50 VDC 0.3 A
+5 VFP
+4.75 to +5.25 VDC 10 mA
Maximum continuous DC output power shall not exceed 230 W. Maximum combined load on
+5 VDC and +3.3 VDC shall not exceed 170 W.
The total power of all voltages other than +12 VDC must not exceed 158 W.
VFP (volts flea power) — sometimes called “standby power.”