The DS8100A scanner is available in versions that differ depending on the interface
connection, the optical resolution and on the optic version:
DS8100A - X X X X
tic Version:
0 = Linea
tical Resolution:
0 = Low resolution
1 = Medium resolution
Communication Type:
0 = Standa
d version
1 = Ethernet version
2 = High resolution
3 = Very High resolution
5 = Oscillating mirror
Laser Number:
2 = Double lase
3 = Tri
le lase
1.3.1 Oscillating Mirror Models
Oscillating mirror models are used when coverage of a large reading area is required, mainly
in picket fence applications.
The oscillating mirror is placed in front of the reading aperture of the DS8100A scanner to
deflect the laser beam. As the mirror moves, this sweeping function of the laser beam allows
the coverage of a larger area to locate the barcodes. The code can also be reconstructed as
the beam sweeps over it.
The aperture angle is symmetrical and the scan line perpendicular to the scanner is at 0° as
shown in the figure below.
F - Oscillating Mirro rence Angle
By configuring the oscillating speed up to the max value of 19 Hz, raster emulation can
Hz Max. Aperture
igure 1 r Refe
be performed for reading fast moving objects.
0-5 50°
6-10 30°
11-15 20°
16-19 10°