
Product Reference Guide F-13
Check character must be included in label data.
Label length including check character and excluding prefix char-
acters must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's
fixed or variable label length control for this symbology type.
Prefix must be ASCII characters ']F0'.
Start stop character sets must meet the matching requirement set
forth by the scanner configuration item Codabar Start Stop Char-
acter Match.
Start stop character sets s must be of the form ABCD/ABCD
and must be included in the label.
Example: ']F0s$99.95s' (the lower case ‘s’ at each end of the
example is a placeholder for the start stop character set).
Check character must be included in label data.
Label length including check character and excluding prefix char-
acters must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's
fixed or variable label length control for this symbology type.
Prefix must be ASCII characters ']M0'.
Example: ']M0144769254'.
Code 93
Prefix must be ASCII characters ']G0'.
Label length excluding prefix characters must meet requirements
imposed by the main scanner's fixed or variable label length con-
trol for this symbology type.
Example : ']G0Code93-test'.
Prefix must be ASCII characters ']e0'.
Check character must be included in label.
Label length excluding prefix characters must be 14 characters.
Example: ']e001044123456789'.