QuickScan 6000/6000 Plus
Codabar Options
The Codabar symbology has the following programmable features:
Check Digit — calculates the Check Digit to verify the label's
contents have been read correctly. If you enable this feature,
your bar codes must include a Check Digit. You may also
choose to transmit or not transmit the Check Digit.
Start/Stop Characters — you can choose either Send or Don't
Send depending on your host's interface requirement.
Start/Stop Format — if you need to send the Start/Stop
characters, there are four standard format options that you
can select from; ABCD/TN*E, ABCD/ABCD, abcd/tn*e, or
abcd/abcd. This setting must match your system require-
ments. If you select one of these options, it determines how
the ASCII characters A, B, C, D that are used for Start/Stop
characters, will be translated before being sent to the host.
Start/Stop Match — the requirement that the Start and Stop
characters must match (be identical) can be enabled or
Label Format — provides the selection between fixed or
variable length labels. If your application has labels with
specific fixed length, we recommend selecting fixed lengths
to improve read rate.
If you select variable length, the scanner will recognize labels
with between 03 and 47
digits (not including the optional
check digit).
Set First Fixed Length — if you select fixed length, use
this feature to set a first fixed label length to a setting be-
tween 03 and 50
Set Second Fixed Length — if you select fixed length, use
this feature to set a second fixed label length to a setting
between 03 and 50
No Second Fixed Length — scan this label after setting the
first fixed length to instruct the scanner to recognize only the
label length chosen as the first label length.
Gap Check — allows the scanner to combine two label halves
printed in close proximity to each other that may have been
printed at different times and perhaps different locations.
* For variable length symbologies, the QS6000/6000 Plus will decode up to 50 characters, but
the actual length varies with label size and quality. The IBM POS interface is limited to 32
characters labels.