Apricot Pecan Brown Bread
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
½ cup cornmeal
½ cup rye flour
½ cup whole-wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
cup honey
1 cup buttermilk
cup chopped dried apricots
cup toasted and chopped pecans
Makes 8 slices
Cut a sheet of aluminum foil 20 inches long. Fold to double (or use a single sheet
of heavy duty foil, 10 inches in length. Brush the bottom and sides of an
8½ x 4 x 2-inch/5 Cup loaf pan with butter. Brush an area in the center of the
doubled foil the size of the top of the loaf pan with butter. Reserve.
Place the cornmeal, rye flour, whole-wheat flour, baking soda and salt in a medium
bowl; stir with a whisk. Add the honey and buttermilk. Stir until blended and
smooth. Fold in the apricots and pecans. Turn into the prepared pan. Cover with
the foil, buttered side down. Press the foil to the sides of the pan. Use kitchen twine
to tie the foil tightly around the sides of the pan.
Place the rack in the ceramic pot of the Cuisinart™ Slow Cooker. Place the covered
loaf pan on the rack. Add hot water to come halfway up the pan. Cover and press
the on/off button to turn the unit on. Set time to 3 hours and press High. Once
cooking time elapses, remove loaf pan from the slow cooker using potholders.
Place on a cooking rack. Loosen string, lift off foil covering from back to front. Turn
bread onto cutting board and slice.
Nutritional information per serving (one slice):
Calories 163 (12% from fat) • carb. 34g • pro. 4g • fat 2g • sat. fat 1g
• chol. 5mg • sod. 327mg • calc. 162mg • fiber 3g