10. When finished blending: Press the On/Off button and unplug
the blender from the electrical outlet. Never remove the blender
jar from the motor base until the blender is off. Do not twist
locking ring from blender jar when removing jar from motor base.
Simply lift blender jar from motor base. Do not put hands into
blender jar with blender plugged in.
Always unplug your Cuisinart
SmartPower Duet
Deluxe 600-Watt
Blender/Food Processor from the electrical outlet before cleaning.
The blender is made of corrosion-resistant parts that are easy to
clean. Before first use and after every use, clean each part thoroughly.
Periodically check all parts before reassembly. If any part is damaged
or blender jar is chipped or cracked, DO NOT USE BLENDER.
Remove the blender jar from the motor base by lifting straight up
and away. Twist off the locking ring by turning counterclockwise.
Remove the cutting assembly and rubber gasket. Wash in warm
soapy water, rinse, and dry thoroughly.
Place the locking ring in the upper rack of the dishwasher or wash in
warm water.
CAUTION: Handle the cutting assembly carefully. It is SHARP and
may cause injury. Do not attempt to remove blades from cutting
Remove the blender jar cover and the measured pour lid. Wash in
warm, soapy water; rinse and dry thoroughly or place in upper rack
of dishwasher. The blender jar must be washed in warm, soapy
water and rinsed and dried thoroughly. The blender jar can also be
placed upside down in dishwasher.
Finally, wipe the motor base clean with a damp cloth to remove any
residue, and dry thoroughly. Never submerge the motor base in
water or other liquids, or place in a dishwasher.
Tip: You may wish to clean your blender cutting assembly as
follows: Squirt a small amount of dishwashing liquid into assembled
blender jar and fill halfway with warm water. Run on Low for 15
seconds. Repeat, using clean tap water. Empty blender jar and
carefully disassemble parts. Wash cutting assembly, gasket
and locking ring in warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry all parts
• Makesuretheelectricaloutletisratedatthesamevoltageas
that stated on the bottom of the blender motor base.
• Alwaysusetheblenderonaclean,sturdyanddrysurface.
• Alwaysaddliquidingredientstotheblenderjarfirst,thenadd
remaining ingredients. This will ensure that ingredients are
uniformly mixed.
• Cutmostfoodsintopiecesapproximately½inch(1.3cm)to
1 inch (2.5 cm) to achieve a more uniform result. Cut all cheeses
• Usethemeasuredpourlidtomeasureliquidingredientssuch
as juice or alcohol. Replace measured pour lid after ingredients
have been added.
• Usearubberorplasticspatulaasneeded,onlywhenthe
blender is turned off. Never use metal utensils, as damage may
occur to the blender jar or cutting assembly.
• Placecoveronfirmly.Alwaysoperatetheblenderwiththe
cover on.
• Makesurelockingringistightlyattachedtoblenderjar.
• Alwaysremovelockingring,cuttingassembly,andrubber
gasket before cleaning.
• Whenscrapingtheblenderjarwithaspatula,removethefood
from the sides of the blender jar and place food in the center of
the blender jar, over the cutting assembly.
• Whenchoppingfreshherbs,garlic,onion,zest,breadcrumbs,
nuts, spices, etc., make sure the blender jar and cutting
assembly are completely dry.
• Iffoodtendstosticktothesidesoftheblenderjarwhen
blending, pulse in short bursts.
• Pulsesshouldbeshortbursts.Spacethepulsessotheblades
stop rotating between pulses.