Internet References
0202 USB 2.0 Owner’s Manual 19
Simultaneous WDM/ASIO Playback (PC only)
The 0202 USB 2.0 only supports playing back one stream format at a time on the
PC. Each of the three mentioned stream types has an associated priority. If a higher
priority stream type is opened while a lower priority stream is already playing, the
lower priority stream will stop playing. The stream priorities, from highest to
lowest, are ASIO, WDM.
USB 2.0 vs. USB 1.1 Operation (PC only)
The 0202 can operate in USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 mode on the PC. The 96 kHz and 192
kHz sample rates are only available while operating in USB 2.0. The included
E-MU USB Audio Control panel software includes an indicator to let you know
which mode the device is running in.
0202 USB comes up in USB 1.1 mode (PC only)
Always turn the 0202 USB power off before connecting or disconnecting the USB
cable. Hot-plugging the unit with the power on can cause the 0202 to power-up in
USB 1.1 mode. If you see the Windows message, “This device could perform
faster…”, simply turn power off, wait a few seconds, then turn power on again.
The internet contains vast resources for the computer musician. A few useful sites
are listed here, but there are plenty more. Check it out.
Software Updates, Tips & Tutorials.. http://www.emu.com/support
Setting up a PC for Digital Audio.....http://www.musicxp.net
MIDI Basics.......................................... Search for “MIDI Basics” (many sites)
MIDI & Audio Recording...................http://www.midiworld.com
MIDI & Audio Recording...................http://www.synthzone.com
Mixcraft................................................. http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/
Unofficial E-MU Forum ..................... http://www.productionforums.com/emu
Sound-On-Sound Forum................... http://www.soundonsound.com
Computer Music Forum.....................http://www.computermusic.co.uk/main.asp
Home Recording Forum .................... http://homerecording.com/bbs
Studio Central Forum ........................ http://www.tweakheadz.com
KVR Forum........................................... http://www.kvr-vst.com/forum/search.php
MIDI Addict Forum ........................... http://forum.midiaddict.com/search.php
Sound Card Benchmarking............... http://audio.rightmark.org
Driver Heaven Forum......................... http://www.driverheaven.net