For hot engine starts make sure choke/run }ever is in
the run position, Make sure fue_ shut off valve is open
and throttie is in the Rabitt position.
NOTE: If any leaks are present shut unit down and
tighten fittings.
How To Use Yeur Pressure Washer
On the end of your spray gun is a nozzle that you can
twist from side to side, With the adjustable nozzle you
can adjust the nozzie to either high pressure or Iow
Turn the nozzle in a counter clockwise direction to
achieve low pressure. Turn nozzie clockwise for high
For most effective cleaning, keep spray nozzie
between 8 and 24 inches of cleaning sudaceo
iMPORTANT: If you get spray nozzle too close,
especially on high pressure, you may damage the
cleaning su.dace.
The pressure control knob is located on the pump.
You can increase the pressure by turning the knob
ciockw_se or decrease the pressure by turning the
knob counterclockwise.
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NOTE; The maximum pressure for the unit is set at its
maximum setting at the factory. Do not attempt Io adjust
the pressure higher than this factory setting.
t_siasg Soaps/Chemicals
IMPORTANT; Use soaps and chemicals that are designed
specifically for use with pressure washers. To apply soap/
chemicals follow these steps:
Prepare the soapichemica_ as required by your job.
Insert soapichemicai line into your container (soap/
chemicals not inc!uded).
NOT_; The first step involves applying an appropriate
soap/chemical solution to penetrate and loosen grime.
The soap/chemica! is appIied at iow pressure to avoid
splashing, over spray and waste. Leave the solution
on surface for 3 to 5 minutes to atiow solution to work.
NOTE: The second step involves cleaning the surface
you have prepared with the pressure washer and then
rinsing it clean.
Turn the adjustable nozzie counter c;ockwise to low
pressure mode. Soap/chemicais cannot be applied
with nozzle in high pressure position.
o Review the use of the adjustable r;oxz e.
o Connect garden hose to water infer (see "To Start "_,<our
Pressure Washer"), check that high p_{:-ss_.._rehose is
connected to spray gun and pump (s.i _ Assembly},
and start engine.
o AppIy soap/chemicals to dry surfac .'.string from the
bottom and working up.
o Al!ow the soap/chemicals to soak i_ b : :,,een 3-5
minutes before washing and rinsing?;.
For cleaning, start at iower portion (::i }:_ to be
washed and work upward_ using !o;: ::.en over.-
iapping strokes.
Your pressure washer is equipped with a (;isemicaI
injector adjustment knob. With the k_u._b_uily opened
you will get maximum chemical draw. With knob fui_y
ciosedyouwiilgetnocbernicaidraw. r knob_n
counter clockwise direction to achieve _(re chemica_
draw and clockwise for less chemicai d_"_w.
/ //
After using the p_essure washer, it is recommended
the pump, chemical iniector and chemical !ire be
flushed with clear wate._: To do so. simply place
chemical injector hose in water arsd siphon for I to 2