7 - ENG
• Thecompressedairstreamcan
cause soft tissue damage to
exposed skin and can propel dirt,
chips, loose particles, and small
• Alwayswearcertifiedsafety
equipment: ANSI Z87.1 eye protec-
tion (CAN/CSA Z94.3) with side
shields when using the compressor.
• Neverpointanynozzleorsprayer
toward any part of the body or at
other people or animals.
• Alwaysturnthecompressoroffand
bleed pressure from the air hose
and air tank before attempting
maintenance, attaching tools or
• Touchingexposedmetalsuchas
the compressor head, engine head,
engine exhaust or outlet tubes, can
result in serious burns.
• Nevertouchanyexposedmetal
parts on compressor during or
immediately after operation.
Compressor will remain hot for
several minutes after operation.
• Donotreacharoundprotective
shrouds or attempt maintenance
until unit has been allowed to cool.
• Movingpartssuchasthepulley,
flywheel, and belt can cause serious
you or your clothing.
• Neveroperatethecompressorwith
guards or covers which are dam-
aged or removed.
• Keepyourhair,clothing,andgloves
away from moving parts. Loose
caught in moving parts.
• Airventsmaycovermovingparts
and should be avoided as well.
• Attemptingtooperatecompressor
with damaged or missing parts or
attempting to repair compressor
with protective shrouds removed
can expose you to moving parts
• Anyrepairsrequiredonthisproduct
should be performed by authorized
service center personnel.